The Importance of Commercial Building Signage from Creative Design and Display in Northamptonshire

The Importance of Commercial Building Signage

Commercial building signage is a vital aspect of any business. It is the first point of contact between a business and their customers, serving as a beacon that signals their presence while conveying their brand message. In addition to being a key marketing tool, commercial building signs also provide valuable information to customers and enhance overall safety. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of commercial building signage and why every business should invest in it.


Brand Recognition

Commercial building signs are one of the most effective ways to establish and maintain brand recognition. Having a professionally designed and well-placed sign can help your business stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on potential customers. An eye-catching sign that incorporates your brand's colors, fonts, and logos will create a lasting impression that customers will associate with your business.


Attract New Customers

Commercial building signs can help businesses attract new customers and drive sales. By creating visually appealing signs that communicate the benefits of choosing a particular business, more potential customers may become curious and start looking into what the business has to offer. An eye-catching sign can result in people who may not have otherwise noticed the business stopping in to see what it is all about.


Provide Valuable Information

Commercial building signage is also a practical way to provide customers with valuable information. A sign can include essential information such as opening hours, contact details as well as directions. It can also give details of sales and discounts, events or promotions. It is vital that the sign is easily seen and is applicable to the needs of customers. Therefore, the sign must be large and in clear font, so it is quickly and effortlessly understood.


Enhances Safety

Commercial building signs can also enhance safety by providing valuable information about specific hazards or special areas of your business. They can also help emergency services identify your business and location in the event of an emergency. With the right use of signage, businesses can enhance the safety of their employees, clients, and customers.



In conclusion, Commercial building signage is essential for businesses that want to attract new customers, maintain brand recognition, and provide valuable information to their customers. Investing in the right signage can help establish a brand in the eyes of its clients, increase visibility, and sales. With the variation of technologies available today, signs can become more fluorescent, longer-lasting, and cost-effective. Therefore, it is ever more important for businesses to take the time to consider what signage is needed to communicate brand identity and what additional messages can assist a business to stand out from its competitors. Commercial building signage has remained a vital tool for businesses over the years, and it will continue to do so for years to come. Invest in your business's future by investing in commercial building signage.


Need help with your signage?

Talk to a member of our team – we are here to explain and recommend the right signage and display options for you.

VueTV and Digital Display for Out of Home from Creative Design and Display in Northamptonshire

Video Marketing and Digital Out Of Home Advertising

The Power of Video Marketing in Digital Advertising and Out-of-Home (OOH) Advertising

In today's fast-paced digital world, capturing the attention of potential customers has become increasingly challenging. With so many ads vying for attention, it's important for businesses to be creative and strategic in their advertising efforts. One way to stand out from the crowd is through the use of video marketing. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of video marketing in both digital and out-of-home advertising, and how it can help businesses reach their target audience more effectively.

Video Marketing in Digital Advertising

Digital advertising has become an increasingly important part of a business's marketing strategy. With the rise of social media platforms and online video streaming services, consumers are spending more time on their screens than ever before. Video marketing can help businesses capture the attention of these consumers and provide them with a more engaging and memorable advertising experience. Videos can demonstrate a product or service in action, tell a compelling story, or provide valuable information to potential customers. Video ads can be placed on a variety of platforms including social media, YouTube, and other websites, allowing businesses to reach their target audience wherever they are.

Video Marketing in Out-of-Home (OOH) Advertising

Out-of-home advertising refers to any type of advertising that reaches consumers outside of their homes, such as billboards, transit ads, and digital signs. Video content can be especially effective in these types of advertising because it allows businesses to create eye-catching and engaging content that can be seen from a distance. For example, a digital billboard with a short, attention-grabbing video can be more effective at capturing the attention of drivers and pedestrians than a static image. Video content can also be used in more creative OOH campaigns, such as interactive installations or ambient advertising.

The Rise of the Moving Image

The use of video marketing in both digital and out-of-home advertising has been steadily increasing in recent years, and this trend is only expected to continue. As technology continues to advance, businesses will have even more options for creating and distributing video content. For example, virtual reality and augmented reality technologies will allow advertisers to create immersive and interactive experiences for consumers. The rise of the moving image also has implications for the creative industries, as designers, animators and filmmakers are increasingly called upon to create engaging and memorable video content for businesses.

Best Practices for Video Marketing

While video marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses, it's important to use it strategically and effectively in order to achieve the desired results. Some best practices for video marketing include:

- Keep it short and sweet: attention spans are short, so aim to create videos that are no longer than a minute or two.

- Tell a story: viewers are more likely to engage with content that tells a story or evokes emotion.

- Make it mobile-friendly: with more people accessing content on their mobile devices, it's important to create videos that can be easily viewed on smaller screens.

- Measure your results: track the performance of your video ads and adjust your strategy as needed.

Video marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool for businesses, helping them reach their target audience more effectively and provide a more engaging and memorable advertising experience. By using video content strategically in both digital and out-of-home advertising, businesses can stand out in a crowded marketplace and achieve their marketing goals more efficiently. As the use of the moving image continues to grow, businesses will need to be creative and innovative in their video marketing efforts in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Need help with your signage?

Talk to a member of our team – we are here to explain and recommend the right signage and display options for you.